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How to play Electricka's way

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunts


Here's how to play:

  1. Start your hunt from the list of scavenger hunts on the page called Welcome To Scavenger Hunts. (Click BACK on this page). This page is the "house party" or "ballroom" you start from and the place you return to when the hunt is over.
  2. Pick one one of the hunts to play. You can play as an individual or as a group, or you can divide up into multiple teams. If more than one team plays, you can pit one team against another. Each team plays on its own computer and gets the same scavenger card with the same items on it. Multiple teams play against the clock.
  3. Each hunt on the list of scavenger hunts has a name, a token, and a description. The token for a hunt:
    • Is a unique emblem or icon that represents this hunt and no other.
    • Is located next to the hunt's name on the list of scavenger hunts.
    • Will be your guidepost for the hunt as you move from one Electricka's pages to another looking for answers or objects on your scavenger card.
  4. To begin your hunt, click the token in the list of hunts next to the name of the hunt you are going on. A page at Electricka's web site will open. That page is called a Scavenger Hunt Card.
  5. The Scavenger Hunt Card that opens when you click the token for the first time contains the name of the first item to find on your scavenger hunt. The item will be either:
    • An object to collect—for example, the name of something you can find on one of Electricka's pages, such as a picture or a symbol, or
    • Something to do—for example, listen to a piece of music or take a quiz, or
    • Something to discover or know—for example, Electricka's vision statement.
  6. To collect the item on the Scavenger Hunt Card you've just opened, you must visit the page at Electricka's web site where the item is located. The Scavenger Hunt Card will give you a hint or clue that will help you find this page. Use Electricka's menus or her other navigation aids to move between pages as you normally would until you arrive at the page you seek.
  7. You'll know you're getting warm if you open a page that has a Scavenger Hunt Box on it like the one at the right on the page you're now reading. No matter where you find it, a Scavenger Hunt box on a page lets you know that the page contains a scavenger hunt token.
    • A Scavenger Hunt Box gives you a handy way to return to the page where you started your scavenger hunt (your party or ballroom).
    • To return to your party or ballroom, click the image in the Scavenger Hunt Box or click the words Scavenger Hunts.
    • If you return to your party, you can resume your hunt later from this page, if you wish.
  8. Let's assume that you've just started your hunt and you've just found a page with a Scavenger Hunt Box on it. You know you're getting warm because a scavenger hunt token is on the page but you don't yet know if it's the one you're looking for:
    • Instead of the token you want, it could be a token from another scavenger hunt.
    • Or it could be a token from the hunt you're on but not the right token. There may be more than one token from your hunt on this page.
  9. Search through the page for the right scavenger hunt token associated with your scavenger hunt. If there is more than one token from your hunt on the page, make sure it's the right one.
    • If you find the right one, you know you're hot—really hot! the item you seek is "just around the corner," so to speak; it's located nearby, somewhere in the vicinity of your scavenger hunt token.
    • Look for it—you'll know it when you see it...keep looking...keep looking...there it is! Congratulations! You've found the first item on your Scavenger Hunt Card! You've collected your first scavenger hunt item!
  10. Whoops! If you don't find your scavenger hunt token on the page with the Scavenger Hunt Box, it means that the page you're on has a scavenger hunt token on it but it's not the one you want; it's a token for another hunt. Don't be discouraged; keep looking for the page you want. Follow the clue on the Scavenger Hunt Card. You'll find it soon enough.
  11. Now you've found the first item on your scavenger hunt card. You know you're on the right track but you're just getting started because there are more items ahead of you.
  12. To learn the nature of your next challenge—the next item on your card—click the scavenger hunt token you've just found. The page that opens when you click the token is your Scavenger Hunt Card, but this time it will reveal the second item on your hunt. Now you're ready to use the new clue on the card to collect the next item on your list.
  13. Keep repeating what you've done so far. Find the next page with a scavenger hunt token on it and the next item on your list. Then click the token on that page to see your next challenge.
  14. Continue finding and clicking tokens until you've reached the end of your hunt. Your Scavenger Hunt Card will let you know when the hunt is over.
  15. Now return to your party or ballroom in triumph.

Have a ball!

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