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Beginner's guide to Crossword Puzzle construction—introduction

Here, The Muse offers a few suggestions, ideas, and some down-home advice. The focus of the Guide is on crossword beginners who believe that knowledge of the rudiments of construction will help them solve puzzles easier, faster, and more skillfully, or who want to branch out into construction for the fun of it. Serious amateurs may also benefit. It assumes little construction know-how on the part of its audience.

There are many reasons why even a passing knowledge of construction can be useful to solvers with such backgrounds. If they are only curious about how the other half lives, here they will have a glimpse of it.  If all they want to do is become a better solver, this section will give them some pointers about what to look for when they solve. If they are contemplating crossing over to construction, this section will help get them started. If they have construction software and all they want to do with it is to construct a few puzzles on the side for fun, they may find ways to improve their use of it.

When it comes to puzzle proficiency, The Muse makes no pretense; there's lots for the Muse to learn. Nevertheless, The Muse has a few ideas to offer and some things to say about constructing that may help beginners come up to speed and start them down the road that leads to proficiency.

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