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guidelines—tops & Flops In the Arts


Submit your tops & flops list now!

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feature description

Tops & Flops is a collection of lists that show you the who, what, when, where, and why of the arts in list format. Visitors come to this feature looking for information about the arts that's organized in the form of lists.

Tops & Flops lists are about whos, whats, whens, wheres, and whys in the arts. A specific list is about a single arts-related category, subject, or theme such as 1) 10 films you most love to hate, or 2) 5 pictures painted by Picasso. Each item on a specific list is about the same category, subject, or theme as the list as a whole. All the items on a specific list is about the same categorythis one category, subject, or theme.

stop!before you proceed...

How to submit your  tops & Flops list for publication

Electricka and her cohort muses invite you to write and submit a single Tops & Flops list for publication. Your list will be published in the feature called Tops & Flops In the Arts.

Publishing your description is a simple, 2-step procedure:

  1. Read this guideline. It explains everything you need to know to prepare your Tops & Flops list for submission.
  2. Fill out and submit a Tops & Flops form. It explains everything you need to know to send your Tops & Flops list for publication.


Submit your Tops & Flops list now

  • Fill out and submit the Tops & Flops form. Send Electricka your Tops & Flops list now: click here.


  • Electricka does not notify visitors of where and when to find the arts information they submit:
    • To discover if your arts information submission is published, visit the feature called Tops & Flops In the Arts and look for it in the Tops & Flops Table Of Contents: click here.
    • Please allow a few days for Electricka's Staff to process your submission before it's published.

Kinds of tops & Flops Lists

there are two different kinds of Tops & Flops lists: 1) those that contain visitor opinions about the items on the list, and 2) others that convey objective information about the items on the list rather than opinions.

Lists with opinions

Tops & Flops Lists that contain opinions have a purpose that's similar to the favorites lists, 10-best lists, and 10-worst lists you've probably come across elsewhere. They treat subjects such as the ten best paintings, the five worst painters, or a few films you love to hate. When you see words like best, worst, and hate in the title of a Tops & Flops list or in the items on the list, it's a good bet you're looking at the personal opinions of the individual who created the list, not at facts or other objective information about the arts.

A visitor who submits this kind of list wants to inform other visitors about his opinions, preferences, or biases where the arts are concerned. He wants to share with other visitors what he sincerely and feels or fervently believes about the arts; he wants to vent emotions, express his tastes, or publish his personal likes or dislikes.

Enlightened opinions are important and legitimate sources of information about the arts. You may not accept or agree with them, but they can help and inform you nonetheless.

Lists With Objective information

Other Tops & Flops lists are are not about what's good or bad in the arts; instead, they contain factual and objective information about the arts that's not a matter of opinion.

A visitor who submits this kind of list wants to inform other visitors about such things as the names and dates of literary periods, Impressionist paintings that feature sunlight on water, Italian painters of the middle-Renaissance period, or prominent jazz musicians of the 1950s.

A visitor who submits an objective list like this one seeks to share something he knows about the arts with other visitors rather than to express his personal opinions; he seeks to give other visitors the benefit of his knowledge or experience.

Please submit only one kind of Tops & Flops list now. Submit either:

  1. A list with your opinions, or
  2. A list with objective information.

Submit one kind of list at this time, but not both. Feel free to submit as many new lists of either kind as you like in the future by filling out a new Tops & Flops List Submission Form for each new submission. If you send an opinion list now, you can send an objective list or an opinion list later.

Submission requirements

Submissions to the Tops & Flops feature generally meet these requirements:

lists with opinions

You have the option to express your personal opinions or make comments about the subject of your list or the items on your list.

  • No multimedia.
  • Links to other web sites must be approved by Electricka.
  • State your list's category, subject, or theme so that it's clear. Do so in as few words as possible, no more than about 30-50 words.
  • Accurately state the complete name or title of each item on your list.
  • Remember to rank you list, if appropriate, and to state your ranking criterion.
  • If you list is ranked, state which kind of item is at the top of your list (best, worst, coolest, etc.)
  • Submitted by a visitor to Electricka's web site or by a collaboration of visitors.
  • Primarily in English (foreign language names or expressions or other constructions are fine, if appropriate).
  • Confine you personal opinions and comments to the Reasons field and the Comments field on the Tops & Flops submission form.
  • Reasons and Comments should be kept under about 500-1000 words. As short as a phrase or sentence or as long as a few short paragraphs.
  • About a subject, topic, or theme of the author's own choosing. (Subjects should be taken from or related to the arts, Electricka's web site, or the muses.)
  • You entries should not contain private information or intellectual property.
  • Completely finished by the author(s) when submitted. The Muse edits nothing.

lists with objective information

  • Be accurate.
  • No multimedia.
  • Links to other web sites must be approved by Electricka.
  • State your list's category, subject, or theme so that it's clear. Do so in as few words as possible, no more than about 30-50 words.
  • Accurately state the complete name or title of each item on your list.
  • Remember to rank your list, if appropriate, and to state your ranking criterion.
  • State which item is at the top of your list (earliest, latest, most prolific, etc.)
  • Primarily in English (foreign language names or expressions or other constructions are fine, if appropriate).
  • No opinions, please.
  • Reasons and Comments should be kept under about 500-1000 words. As short as a phrase or sentence or as long as one or two paragraphs.
  • Less than about 500-1000 words. As short as a phrase or sentence or as long as one or two paragraphs.
  • Submitted by a visitor to Electricka's web site or by a collaboration of visitors.
  • About a subject, topic, or theme of the author's own choosing. (Subjects should be taken from or related to the arts, Electricka's web site, or the muses.)
  • You entries should not contain private information or intellectual property.
  • Completely finished by the author(s) when submitted. The Muse edits nothing.

Your arts information can be accepted for publication even if it is not written especially for this feature. It does not have to be submitted by the author(s). Electricka's policies apply.


Planning to submit? Have submitted? Address questions about this feature or this guideline to AsktheMuses@Electricka.com: click here.




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